Saturday, December 22, 2012


I made a scribble drawing quite a while ago - always liked it - but never got around to making it into a quilt.  The other day I was thinking of new classes to teach - and decided to return to that particular box of ideas - and found this little guy.  This  is a scan of the original index card drawing.

It was really challenging to find the right fabrics.  I knew that the little guy looked rather reptilian - maybe a turtle or something..... so I found the perfect reptile fabric right away.  But to find the other fabrics?  Took a bit of trial and error.  Here is what he looked like when he was fused to the background but no stitching yet to define his personality.  

Notice how his chin doesn't stand out from the neck (fixed that with paint) and his left eye blends into the background.  Not good.

This is what I call the "ugly stage" of this type of quilt.  It is hard to imagine how much better it will look with the stitching to define the details of the design.  I chose a very close black zigzag in order to really make the design stand out - and make it sort of look like it was a "drawing".

And here is what Aloysius looks like when he is all done and has borders and quilting complete.  Much better don't you think?

I think that Aloysius looks sort of intellectual.  Like he may have some wisdom to share.  He also looks like he may need to be part of my Farkleberry series.

I think my next project may be to do the exact same design in bright colors.  To show the difference - which I am guessing will be pretty significant.  We will see.....  barbara

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