Saturday, April 21, 2012

Green Man with Lighter Chin

So what did I do first thing this morning?  I replaced Green Man's chin with a lighter fabric.  Not that there was much to choose from - almost the entire yard of fabric is in this face!  So here he is with his new chin - much better.

The difference is especially obvious when you see the comparison in black and white.  I need to remember to use my camera more often when I quilt - it is like having a separate pair of eyes with different glasses.  Here are the black and white pictures of the chin before and after I changed the fabric.

My next question, before I fuse the fabric:  does he need a neck?  I have a neck, you have a neck, does Green Man need a neck?  It would probably keep his head from floating away....


1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara,
    the lighter chin is good, makes him look less ominous. I don't think he needs a neck. The face is the focal point, it would draw your eye down...
