I never like a quilt that I create until it is quilted. I wonder how many I pitched before I learned that, without quilting, it looks like a flat color book page from kindergarten. Thank goodness that I now quilt everything before I make up my mind if I like it. If I don't, it is off to the silent auction for the Humane Society. Great cause and they always sell.
A little side story here. I got a darling puppy from the Humane Society and he was so scared and sick that I wasn't sure he would live. It never crossed my mind to inquire of the vet what kind he was so I just paid the bills and hoped he would live. Little did I suspect that he was a Jack Russell!!!! He has the stamina of a small elephant and recovered completely with more gusto than I thought was possible for a small dog. In case you haven't heard, quilters and Jack Russells are like oil and water. After he ate my roommates and my glasses, I blamed myself for putting them where he could get them. One day I made a special trip to town to buy a queen size batt of wool for a quilt. Set it on the bed while I put the groceries away and by the time that I returned, Jake the Snake had destroyed it. Needless to say, he now lives on a large property with 2 other dogs for constant entertainment. I see him often but he doesn't want to come home to this boring house.